Maintenance – Roadmap to Reliability – Sequel to World Class Maintenance Management

Maintenance - Roadmap to Reliability 10th Discipline of World Class Maintenance Management
Maintenance - Roadmap to Reliability 10th Discipline of World Class Maintenance Management Maintenance: Roadmap to Reliability 10th Discipline of World Class Maintenance Management


Maintenance – Roadmap to Reliability:

10th Discipline of World Class Maintenance Management

Available from Amazon

This book provides a clear roadmap for maintenance on how to start a reliability journey from the start. This book depicts the life and struggle of maintenance in seeking better ways and means to improve the equipment and assets’ reliability. The author shares his experience on how to achieve such a feat.
Transitioning from a reactive to a proactive maintenance stage is not an easy task, but it is not also an impossible task. The author believes that the key to everything is educating the maintenance people on what maintenance is all about. Training is where we acquire knowledge to develop the skills required to do our job right. This book contains real-life stories, struggles, and actual experiences by the author in his maintenance and current Reliability and Maintenance Consultant career. Every industry must change their paradigm and realize that maintenance are not repair people. Some highlights of this book include:
  • JIPM (Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance) Criteria on Planned Maintenance
  • Actual Report submitted to JIPM (Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance on Planned Maintenance.
  • Actual Planned Maintenance Results
  • Assessment Questionnaire on the 12 Disciplines on World Class Maintenance
  • Contains quizzes at the end of each chapter to gauge the comprehension of the reader
  • Detailed explanation on the Preparatory Phase of Planned Maintenance
  • Detailed explanation on the 4 Phases of Planned Maintenance
  • Survey on the Top 10 Problems on Preventive Maintenance
  • Essential Lessons on Implementing TPM and more.
The meaning of the word maintains simply to preserve our equipment and assets. We can only preserve our assets if maintenance is equipped with the proper knowledge of performing their jobs right the first time around. I have written this book to reach out to industries searching for ways to improve their equipment and assets and their human maintenance resources. Remember that maintenance is not a department; it is not a function or organization, but rather maintenance is humble and down-to-earth human beings; hence, let us provide them with the respect they truly deserve because that is all they ask for.
The message of this book is simple and straightforward. There is no better way to start the journey to reliability than to go back to the basics and address these tiny problems in our plant. Big problems, unplanned breakdowns, and catastrophic failures are just an accumulation of minor problems that have always been ignored and neglected in the first place. Maintenance is always shared responsibility for operators and maintenance working together in complete harmony. It will be difficult for maintenance to transition from a reactive to a proactive maintenance mode if operators are not involved in maintenance since maintenance is always shared responsibility for them.
This book also explains how to proceed with the 4 Phases of Planned Maintenance and how to integrate RCM into the TPM process. It also covers the importance of Autonomous Maintenance and Spare Parts Management, which is the missing link on any reliability and maintenance strategy. These two strategies are complementary and not contradictory. Chapter 11 is a classic case study on what maintenance can achieve if there is a clear roadmap to follow. The last chapter states that maintenance people are just human like you and me. What is essential is not to blame them for every failure that can happen in the plant but for both operations and maintenance to work together on the problem. Many industries are looking for a structured and detailed approach to improving their maintenance asset and resources. This book provides that level of information. Each chapter begins with a quote on the wisdom of maintenance and ends with a quiz.

From the Author

  • This book is a sequel to my first book on World Class Maintenance Management – The 12 Disciplines.  A good starting point on how to make this journey to reliability can be derived from the book of Stephen Covey on Principle-Centered Leadership by asking the following questions:
  • First: Determine where we are.  This will define your current situation and baseline on where the maintenance organization structure currently is.  Make a selection of people and start with a survey or you can select a cross selection of maintenance people and have them conduct an internal survey on the different disciplines on maintenance.  Knowing where you are at the starting point on any continuous improvement and reliability initiative and effort.  You may refer to Appendix A and use this survey as a starting point.
  • Second: Where do we want to go?  This will be the direction in which the team is going. It is crucial for maintenance to know the destination where it is headed in the future, similar to a vision and mission. Aim for a high or ideal vision and set goals so that people will continuously improve.  Set a time frame for achieving it.
  • Third: How are we going to get there? These are the activities and steps to be done to implement the different strategies and disciplines on maintenance.  Maintenance must understand that these strategies are long-term and not on a short-term basis.  Generate a master plan for each of these disciplines and have them reviewed regularly. This will be the path or map to be done to implement these disciplines.
  • Fourth: How shall we know we have arrived? The first and last step is defining and measuring indices that tell us that we have arrived but whether or not we are headed in the right direction. It is essential to measure these performance indices to determine if maintenance has reached its goals and targets.  Measurements should be defined at the very beginning of implementation and must be reviewed regularly. The success or failure of all these efforts depends entirely on these measurements and KPIs.
  • Industries claim to achieve a World-Class Quality, or World Class Services, perhaps a World Class Product, World Class Manufacturing, or World Class Facilities, but achieving a World Class Maintenance Management Stage is different.  I have written this book hoping that maintenance from industries will read it and implement what it takes to achieve that stage.  Very few industries achieve this level of World Class Maintenance.  Buying the best CMMS software or Predictive Maintenance top-of-the-line instrument is not the answer to achieving a World Class Maintenance Stage.  It is much more than that.  I dedicate this book to all maintenance mankind out there seeking better ways to improve the reliability of their equipment.  This book is not only about the technical aspects of reliability and maintenance; it is a book that makes every single maintenance person proud that they belong to the maintenance function. If you have been living through the day-to-day struggle and pressure of doing maintenance, then this book is for you. Author: Rolly Angeles