Machine Guarding & Machine Safety Downloads

Machine Guarding & Machine Safety Downloads

Below is a collection of machine guarding & machine safety downloads I have accumulated. If you have any documentation to share, please use the contact page or comment at the bottom of the page. The pdf downloads are hosted on my Google Drive.


  • Allen Bradley Rockwell Automation Machinery Safebook 5Safety-related control systems for machinery. Principles, standards, and implementation
  • ANSI B11.0 2015 Safety of Machinery, General Requirements, and Risk Assessment Omron ANSI B11.0 2015 Safety of Machinery; General Requirements and Risk Assessment
  • Banner Engineering Safety InformationMachine and personnel safeguarding refers to the combination of requirements, methods, and solutions used to protect people who come in contact with dangerous machines in the industrial environment. Safety and Safeguarding standards are minimum requirements for product and machine design, manufacture, use, and evaluation that guide
    the methods used to improve safety.
  • Basis for Machine SafeguardingThe purpose of this white paper is to assist end users, engineering contractors, and systems integration firms in determining which standards and regulations apply to the systems they are designing. The paper does this by providing an overview of the standards and regulations that apply to safety instrumentation and a process for determining which of those will apply to a specific project by analyzing the nature of the equipment under control (EUC) and the level of risk reduction that is required of the instrumented systems that are being proposed for protection.
  • Fluid Power Machinery Safety Handbook Ross ValvesThis document outlines the safety requirements for implementing Fluid Power safety solutions. This includes a review of standards requirements, risk assessment methods, and risk reduction measures, along with an overview of the safety design and implementation process.
  • ISO IEC Guide 51 Safety Aspects-Guidelines for their Inclusion in Standards – Work on standards deals with safety aspects in many different forms across a wide range of technologies and for most products, processes, services, and systems (referred to as “products and systems” in this
    Guide). The increasing complexity of products and systems entering the market makes it necessary to place a high priority on consideration of safety aspects.
    This Guide provides practical guidance to drafters of standards to assist them in including safety aspects in standards. The underlying principles of this Guide can also be used wherever safety aspects require consideration and as a useful reference for other stakeholders such as designers, manufacturers, service providers, policymakers, and regulators.
  • Leuze Electronics Machine SafetyThis presentation will help you become more familiar with the concepts of machinery safety, risk assessment process, new standards, and how to address them. The trends for machine safety continue to grow as the world evolves and regulatory compliance becomes more common.
  • Machine Guarding – Defining Mechanical Power Presses and Similarly Configured MachineryThe purpose of this document is to aid in the recognition and applicability of the 1910.212 and 1910.217 safety standards as they relate to mechanical power presses, platen presses, ironworkers, press brakes, and other similarly configured machinery. To clarify the point of operation guarding requirements for mechanical power presses (including during die setting operations).
  • Machine Guarding HandbookThis industry guide has been prepared as an aid to employers, employees, machine manufacturers, machine guard designers and fabricators, and all others with an interest in protecting workers against the hazards of moving machine parts. It identifies the major mechanical motions and actions and the general principles of safeguarding them.
  • Machine Safeguarding 101 CMAFH
  • Machine Safeguarding at the Point of OperationA Guide for Finding Solutions to Machine Hazards.
  • Machinery Safety Standards – SchmersalSchmersals guide to European, United States, and Canada Safety Standards.
  • OSHA ANSI Quick Reference
  • Performance Criteria for Safeguarding ANSI B11.19-2003This standard provides performance requirements for the design, construction, installation, operation, and maintenance of the safeguarding listed below when applied to machine tools.
  • Principles of Machine Guarding
  • Safeguarding Study Sample Rev-0
  • Safety Circuit Integrity LevelsBanner Engineering Safety Circuit Integrity Levels.
  • Safety Guide for the Americas— Sick Sensors Safety Guide for the Americas. In front of you is an extensive guide on the legal background relating to machinery and on the selection and use of protective devices. We will show you various ways in which you can safeguard machinery and protect people against accidents taking into account the applicable laws, regulations, directives, and standards. The examples and statements given are the result of our many years of practical experience and are to be considered generic, not specific, applications. This guide describes the legal requirements relating to machinery in North America and their implementation. The safety requirements relating to machinery in other regions (e.g., Europe and Asia) are described in separate versions of this guide.
  • Safety in Manufacturing Machine Safety Imperative The Time is Now

Safety Risk Assessments

  • Understanding Risk AssessmentA thorough risk assessment will identify potential risks and control actions related to them to protect those who interact with your product during its anticipated lifecycle. It’s important to have a complete understanding of the risk assessment process, why it’s needed, and when it’s needed in order to understand your requirements and the safety and liability impact.
  • Siemens Risk Assessment – Global Requirement Is there a major difference in the Risk Assessments done in North America and Europe?  – This risk assessment white paper guides you through answering the questions of what is a risk assessment, is it mandatory, how does it help me comply with the local and global compliance requirements, what does the risk assessment process involve, is it a one-time or a continuous process, what are some of the risk reductions techniques, does following the risk assessment standards help my bottom line? Many of your questions will be answered in this educational document to assist you in making intelligent decisions when it comes to Risk Assessments and designing your machine and applications to meet the machine safety compliance requirements with the goal of increasing productivity in a safer manner globally.